Exploring Pine Grove Furnace State Park in Cumberland County

A collage showcasing the beauty of Pine Grove Furnace State Park in Cumberland County, PA, featuring: (top left) a wooden bench overlooking a reflective lake with autumn-colored trees, (top right) a rugged overlook with rocks and a lone pine tree against a landscape of rolling hills and a blue sky with fluffy clouds, (bottom left) an Appalachian Trail Museum sign in front of a historic stone building surrounded by lush greenery, and (bottom right) a serene lake scene with a mirror-like reflection of fall foliage on the water's surface.

If you’re looking for information about Pine Grove Furnace State Park in Cumberland County, you’re in the right place!

A calm and clear day at Fuller Lake in Pine Grove Furnace State Park, Cumberland County, PA, with vibrant fall foliage reflecting on the glass-like surface of the lake. Trees with yellow and orange leaves edge the water, and a clear blue sky with a few clouds is above. The rocky lakeshore in the foreground adds texture to the peaceful scene.
Fuller Lake at the park.

Nestled in the embrace of South Mountain, surrounded by the Michaux State Forest, Pine Grove Furnace State Park is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts and history buffs alike.

This 696-acre gem beckons you to step back in time while also reveling in the natural beauty of the present.

A historic stone furnace stack at Pine Grove Furnace State Park in Cumberland County, PA, stands under a blue sky with scattered clouds. The structure, made of large, irregular stones, features an archway at the base revealing a darkened interior. A wooden bench and walking paths are visible in the foreground, with lush green trees surrounding the area. A red car is parked in the distance, contrasting with the natural and historic setting.
Remnants of a blast furnace stack.

History of the Park

Pine Grove Furnace’s story is etched in the rustic remnants of its 18th and 19th-century ironworks, dating back to 1764.

A towering stone iron furnace stack at Pine Grove Furnace State Park in Cumberland County, PA, set against a blue sky with fluffy clouds. The historic structure, featuring a large archway entrance, is a remnant of the park's industrial heritage. A gravel path leads up to the furnace, bordered by green grass and lush trees.
A towering stone iron furnace stack at Pine Grove Furnace State Park.

Pine Grove Furnace went out of blast in 1895, ending 131 years of iron making on South Mountain.

An informational signage on the process of making iron at Pine Grove Furnace State Park in Cumberland County, PA, with an illustrated cutaway view of a colonial iron furnace. The diagram details various components such as the chimney, tunnel head, firebrick, insulation, air duct, and the tapping process. Accompanying text explains the historical iron-making technique, mentioning how fillers dumped charcoal, iron ore, and limestone into the furnace and the high temperatures involved in the process.
Iron making infographic located next to the remnants of the blast furnace stack.

Explore the preserved ruins of the blast furnace, charcoal hearths, and the iron master’s mansion, reminders of a bygone era.

The historic Ironmaster's Mansion at Pine Grove Furnace State Park in Cumberland County, PA, is a stately two-story brick building with a covered white porch and a balcony. A white wooden stairway leads to the porch, situated on a grassy hill and flanked by trees. The sky above is partly cloudy, suggesting a bright and peaceful day.
The iron master’s mansion.

The park office, once the second iron master’s mansion, is home to a small museum detailing some of the industrial activities that went on here over the years.

The Park Office and Visitor's Center at Pine Grove Furnace State Park in Cumberland County, PA, is a two-story white wooden building with a covered porch. A brown sign with yellow lettering directs visitors to the office. The building is set against a backdrop of partly cloudy skies, and the front garden is blooming with pink flowers and lush greenery.
Park Office and Visitor Center.

Here you can catch a glimpse of the bustling life of a once-thriving industrial community.

Inside the historical museum at Pine Grove Furnace State Park in Cumberland County, PA, with educational displays and artifacts related to the park's industrial past. The room features informational wall panels titled "Pastimes Past and Present" and "Products for Progress," antique iron stoves, a large framed tribute to "JANE," and various other historical exhibits. The interior has wooden floors, fluorescent lighting, and a wood-paneled wall.
The Pine Grove Furnace Museum at the Visitor Center.

From pig iron to plate stoves, you’ll see a variety of artifacts related to the industrial history of the land where the park now sits.

An antique iron stove from Pine Grove Furnace State Park in Cumberland County, PA, on display, with decorative detailing and a teapot and pan on top. In front of the stove is a long, rusted iron bar resting on wooden supports. The exhibit is in a room with informational posters on the walls, providing context about the park's history.
A bar of pig iron and a plate stove, both manufactured at the site of modern-day Pine Grove Furnace State Park.

Best Outdoor Adventures at the Park

Pine Grove Furnace is far from a relic of the past – today it’s a vibrant tapestry of outdoor activities waiting to be discovered!

Laurel Lake at Pine Grove Furnace State Park, adjacent to the Pole Steeple Trail parking area.
Laurel Lake at Pine Grove Furnace State Park, adjacent to the Pole Steeple Trail parking area.

Hiking at the Park

Lace up your hiking boots and explore miles of scenic trails.

View to the northeast from the southernmost rock outcropping at Pole Steeple Overlook in Cumberland County Pennsylvania.
View from the Pole Steeple Trail.

Accessible by a relatively short-but-steep trail, Pole Steeple Overlook is certainly one of the best hiking destinations in the entire Cumberland Valley.

Exploring Pole Steeple Overlook in Cumberland County Pennsylvania.
The Pole Steeple Trailhead is located at the park.

A 1.4 mile portion of the 2,190 mile Appalachian Trail (A.T.) runs through the park as well.

The Appalachian Trail Museum is located close to the midpoint of the Appalachian Trail, halfway between Maine and Georgia.
The Appalachian Trail Museum passes through the park.

Fishing at the Park

Cast your line into the tranquil waters of Laurel Lake or Fuller Lake, home to a variety of fish, including pickerel, perch, and bass.

A picturesque autumn scene at Laurel Lake in Pine Grove Furnace State Park, Cumberland County, PA, featuring a carpet of colorful fallen leaves floating on the water's surface. The surrounding forest is rich with fall foliage in vibrant oranges, yellows, and reds, reflecting in the calm lake. A clear blue sky enhances the warm autumn colors.
25-acre Laurel Lake.

All standard Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission regulations apply to both lakes.

Autumnal beauty at Laurel Lake in Pine Grove Furnace State Park, Cumberland County, PA, with a foreground of branches featuring orange and yellow leaves. The calm lake reflects the vibrant fall colors and clear blue sky, while the background shows a tree-lined shore and a hill with dense foliage.
Laurel Lake on an October afternoon.

Swimming at the Park

Take a refreshing dip in one of the park’s two designated swimming areas, a perfect way to cool off on a warm summer day.

A peaceful beach at Fuller Lake in Pine Grove Furnace State Park, Cumberland County, PA, with a crescent of sandy shore curving into the reflective waters. The lake is bordered by forest displaying early autumn colors in a mix of green and turning leaves. A bright blue sky with wispy clouds overlooks the scene.
Swimming area at Fuller Lake.

The beaches at Fuller and Laurel lakes are open from May 1 to September 30, from 8:00 A.M. to sunset.

A wooden sign at Pine Grove Furnace State Park in Cumberland County, PA, indicating the "Fuller Lake Day Use Area." The sign has yellow lettering on a dark background and is mounted on a post with a green address marker reading "1050." The sign is set against a backdrop of forest undergrowth.
Fuller Lake, an old iron ore quarry now filled with groundwater, is a popular swimming area at the park.

Biking at the Park

The two-mile Cumberland County Biker-Hiker Trail connects the Furnace Stack Day Use Area with Laurel Lake Day Use Area, passing through the Fuller Lake Day Use Area along the way (pictured below).

A serene beachfront at Fuller Lake in Pine Grove Furnace State Park, Cumberland County, PA, featuring a sandy shore with gentle ripples on the water surface. Autumnal trees in shades of green and yellow line the lake, reflecting beautifully on the calm water. A clear blue sky with wispy clouds hovers above, and a wooden fence runs alongside the beach, leading to a stone pathway and greenery-rich area in the background.
The Cumberland County Biker-Hiker Trail passing the beach at Fuller Lake.

Boating at the Park

Boating at Pine Grove Furnace State Park is permitted only on the 25-acre Laurel Lake.

A lakeside view at Pine Grove Furnace State Park in Cumberland County, PA, featuring upside-down canoes on the gravel shore near a wooden dock. The reflective waters of Laurel Lake are partially covered with lily pads and fallen leaves, with a backdrop of forested hills displaying early signs of fall foliage. The sky is a mix of blue and cloud-streaked.
Laurel Lake is open only to boats propelled by paddles or electric motors.

Rental boats are available between Memorial Day and Labor Day, and gas motors are prohibited on the lake.

Stacked colorful kayaks and canoes at a boat rental facility in Pine Grove Furnace State Park, Cumberland County, PA. The rack of boats features an array of colors including blue, red, green, and yellow, ready for visitors to enjoy on the water. Behind the boat rental hut, autumn trees with foliage of red, orange, and green can be seen, signaling the changing seasons. A gravel path leads past the boat rental, inviting park visitors to explore further.
Boat rental area at Laurel Lake.

Camping at the Park

More than 70 trailer and tent sites are available from late March through mid-December, with a shower house and restrooms on-site.

A map of the available camping spots at Pine Grove Furnace State Park in Cumberland County, PA.
A map of the available camping spots at Pine Grove Furnace State Park (image credit: PA DCNR).

The Appalachian Trail Museum

History and hiking buffs will enjoy the Appalachian Trail Museum at Pine Grove Furnace State Park, the first museum in the country dedicated to this legendary footpath.

Exploring the Appalachian Trail Museum at Pine Grove Furnace State Park in Cumberland County Pennsylvania.
Scenes from the Appalachian Trail Museum.

Housed in what was once a grist mill, the museum showcases the evolving history of the AT, from its conceptualization by Benton MacKaye in the 1920s to its present-day status as one of the most iconic long-distance hiking trails in the world.

The Appalachian Trail Museum opened in 2010 at Pine Grove Furnace State Park.
The Appalachian Trail Museum opened in 2010 at Pine Grove Furnace State Park.

Halfway Point of the Appalachian Trail

Situated just outside the park’s borders, the Halfway Point of the Appalachian Trail is located in the neighboring Michaux State Forest, the signpost being a symbolic milestone for thru-hikers and a celebrated photo-op for day hikers.

Hiking to the Halfway Point of the Appalachin Trail in the Michaux State Forest in Cumberland County Pennsylvania.
Halfway point along the Appalachian Trail.

In fact, the Pine Grove General Store, located back in the park next to the A.T. Museum, is home to the famous â€śHalf-Gallon Challenge”, where though-hikers often indulge in attempting to eat a half-gallon of ice cream in a half-hour to celebrate their “halfway” achievement!

The Pine Grove General Store next to the Appalachian Trail Museum is where thru-hikers traditionally stop to celebrate reaching the midpoint by eating a half gallon of ice cream in one sitting.
The Pine Grove General Store next to the Appalachian Trail Museum is where thru-hikers traditionally stop to celebrate reaching the midpoint by eating a half gallon of ice cream in one sitting.

Final Thoughts

Pine Grove Furnace State Park is a place to reconnect with nature, immerse yourself in history, and create lasting memories.

A tranquil view of Laurel Lake at Pine Grove Furnace State Park, Cumberland County, PA, framed by a foreground of a solitary park bench overlooking the water. Autumn leaves are scattered across the grass and lake, where they float gently. Trees in mid-autumn colors of green, yellow, and red line the far shore under a partly cloudy sky.
Laurel Lake on an October day.

Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or a bit of both, this park promises an unforgettable experience in the heart of Pennsylvania’s natural beauty!

A wooden dock extends into the tranquil waters of Laurel Lake at Pine Grove Furnace State Park, Cumberland County, PA, surrounded by a vibrant autumn landscape. The forest is ablaze with fall colors ranging from green to yellow, orange, and red. The clear water reveals a rocky lakebed peppered with fallen leaves.
The calm, clear waters at Laurel Lake.

Nearby Attractions

Exploring an Abandoned POW Camp in Cumberland County is your guide to a formerly-secret POW camp, used to house German and Japanese POWs during World War Two.

Ruins of the secret POW interrogation camp in the MIchaux State Forest.
Ruins of the secret POW interrogation camp in the Michaux State Forest.

Today you can explore these ruins in the Michaux State Forest, just minutes from Pine Grove Furnace State Park.

History of the activities at what is now known as Camp Michaux in Cumberland County.
History of the activities at what is now known as Camp Michaux in Cumberland County.

The Cameron-Masland Mansion, a historic stone villa perched on a Cumberland County mountaintop, offers a scenic overlook that captures the essence of Pennsylvania’s picturesque outdoors.

A collage of photos from the Cameron-Masland Mansion Scenic Overlook at Kings Gap Environmental Center in Cumberland County PA
Scenes from the Cameron-Masland Mansion at Kings Gap Environmental Education Center.

Colonel Denning State Park in Cumberland County is a 273 acre wilderness haven that offers a diverse range of activities for nature lovers and adventure seekers.

A collage of four photos showcasing Colonel Denning State Park in Cumberland County, PA. Top left: A vibrant autumn scene by a lake with golden leaves framing the tranquil water. Top right: A hiker stands on a rocky overlook, gazing out over a lush, green valley under a clear blue sky. Bottom left: A gravel nature trail marked by a sign winds through a forest with sunlight filtering through the green foliage. Bottom right: A wooden viewing platform at the edge of a serene lake surrounded by dense trees with the sun casting a warm glow over the scene.
Scenes from Colonel Denning State Park.

10 Must-See Attractions in Franklin County is your guide to the best things to see and do in this region just west of Pine Grove Furnace State Park.

The best things to see and do in Franklin County Pennsylvania.
Scenes from Franklin County.

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Rusty Glessner
Rusty Glessner is a professional photographer, lifelong Pennsylvanian, and a frequently-cited authority on PA's best travel destinations.