Exploring the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg

This collage from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County, showcases a variety of exhibits that highlight the rich history and technological evolution of rail transport. The first image features a weathered black steam locomotive displayed outdoors, illustrating the grandeur and complexity of early 20th-century railway engineering. The second image highlights a bright blue Conrail diesel locomotive, a representation of modern advancements in rail technology, housed within the spacious interior of the museum. The third image captures a vibrant yellow Fruit Growers Express refrigerated boxcar accompanied by a vintage black truck, demonstrating the historical logistics of perishable goods transportation. The final image displays the museum’s entrance sign, set against the backdrop of the museum's contemporary architecture and inviting green landscape, providing visitors with directions and accessibility information. Together, these images encapsulate the diverse attractions and educational opportunities available at the museum, celebrating the legacy of railroads in Pennsylvania.

If you’re looking for information about visiting the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Lancaster County, you’re in the right place!

The image captures a stunning red Pennsylvania Railroad locomotive, model 5901, on display at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County. This diesel-electric locomotive, with its vibrant red body and striking yellow striping, exemplifies the classic design of mid-20th-century American rail engineering. The locomotive features sleek, rounded lines and a distinctive front nose, characteristic of streamlined design from that era. It is displayed indoors within a vast exhibit hall, illuminated by natural light streaming through the large ceiling skylights, and is part of a larger collection of historic trains, reflecting the rich railroad heritage preserved at the museum.

The Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania was established to chronicle the history of railroading in the Keystone State, through the preservation of rolling stock, artifacts, and archives from various railroad companies.

The image showcases a vibrant blue steam locomotive from the Pennsylvania Power & Light Co., exhibited at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County. The locomotive, with its polished, streamlined design and prominent round headlamp, is a striking example of mid-20th-century industrial steam engine technology. Its deep blue color and large white lettering along the side stand out against the indoor setting of the museum, highlighted by the natural light streaming in through the translucent ceiling panels above. This display piece, set on tracks within the museum, is surrounded by other historical railcars, offering visitors a glimpse into the evolution of locomotive engineering and design.

The museum covers 18 acres of land, including 100,000 square feet of indoor exhibit space.

The image displays a historic locomotive exhibit at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County. Prominently featured is the "John Bull," a replica of an early steam locomotive, complete with its original style tender loaded with wood. The locomotive is exhibited on rails, showcasing its large vertical boiler and classic iron construction. Adjacent to the John Bull is another polished, larger steam locomotive adorned with American flags, highlighting the evolution of train design. The exhibit is set within a large, airy hall with industrial green steel beams and overhead lighting that casts a bright ambiance over the displays, emphasizing the museum's focus on preserving and showcasing railroad heritage.

Over time, this Lancaster County museum has expanded its collection to include over 100 locomotives and railcars from the mid-19th to the 20th centuries, including the esteemed Pennsylvania Railroad Historical Collection.

The image shows a beautifully restored Pennsylvania Railroad locomotive, numbered 4465, on display at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County. The locomotive, painted in a glossy black with bold yellow striping and the iconic Pennsylvania Railroad keystone logo, represents the classic design of American diesel-electric engines. It is exhibited alongside various other railcars in a spacious, well-lit indoor exhibit hall characterized by high green steel beams. A small display titled "Spotlight On:" in front of the locomotive provides information about this specific engine, enhancing the educational value of the exhibit. The overall scene is a testament to the preservation and celebration of railroad heritage at the museum.

Directions | Hours | Admission Fees

The Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania is located at 300 Gap Road, Strasburg, PA 17579.

The museum hours are Wed-Sat 10am – 4pm, and Sunday noon – 4pm.

The image features a vibrant red information sign for the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania located in Strasburg, Lancaster County. The sign includes the museum’s logo with a graphic of a steam locomotive at the top and provides details about the hours of operation. It lists the museum as open Wednesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., with last entry at 3:30 p.m., and on Sundays from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., with the same last entry time. It also notes that the museum is closed on Mondays, Tuesdays, and major holidays. The sign is clear, well-organized, and designed to be easily readable, providing essential visitor information in a concise format.

Admission prices as of 2024 are: Adults (ages 12-64) $10 |Seniors (65+) $9 | Youth (3-11) $8 | Ages 2 & Under (2-under) Free.

The image depicts the front entrance of the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County. The museum's façade is modern with a central clock tower topped with a weathervane. A large graphic of a classic steam locomotive adorns the front above the main entrance, which is flanked by posters and red canopies. The entrance is marked with a bold red sign reading "Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania." The setting is sunny with a clear blue sky, and there's a tranquil grassy area in front of the building, inviting visitors to explore the rich history of railroading housed within.

What You’ll See at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania

A major draw of the museum is Rolling Stock Hall, where the majority of the museum’s meticulously restored locomotives and rolling stock are displayed.

The image presents a striking lineup of vintage locomotives at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County. This display includes a diverse array of steam locomotives from different eras, each restored to highlight its unique features and historical significance. The locomotives vary in design and color, from classic black steam engines with ornate gold trim to a sleek, red diesel locomotive. They are all positioned on parallel tracks under a large, arched metal roof that floods the space with natural light. This arrangement allows visitors to appreciate the evolution of locomotive technology and design up close, within a spacious and well-organized exhibit hall.

This vast hall provides an up-close look at the impressive engineering and historical significance of each piece.

The image captures a majestic Pennsylvania Railroad locomotive, model GG1 4935, displayed prominently at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County. This classic electric locomotive, painted in black with bold yellow striping, reflects the distinctive design and engineering prowess of the mid-20th century. It features a streamlined body with rounded ends and large driver's windows, characteristic of the GG1 series known for their speed and power. The locomotive is shown within the museum's spacious exhibit hall, under a high industrial ceiling, where it is surrounded by other historic rail artifacts. This powerful representation of American railroading heritage stands as a centerpiece in the museum, highlighting the technological advancements and aesthetic considerations of its era.

An observation bridge leading across Rolling Stock Hall allows visitors to see the trains from above.

The image shows a bird's-eye view of the main exhibit hall at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County. It features a vast collection of historic railroad cars and locomotives arranged neatly on parallel tracks. The floor is marked with directional arrows and track numbers, guiding visitors through the exhibit. A variety of railcars, including passenger, baggage, and freight cars from different eras, are displayed. The hall is also adorned with smaller railroad-related artifacts, such as benches and cargo carts. The ambiance is enhanced by the museum's industrial-style lighting and high ceilings, showcasing the rich history of rail transportation in a well-preserved and engaging setting.

The “Main Street” exhibit transports visitors back to a 20th-century railroad town, illustrating the daily interplay between railroads and community life.

The image captures a meticulously recreated historical street scene within the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County. This indoor exhibit features a cobblestone path flanked by charming facades of shops and businesses, including the "Ennis Hotel" and "Goode's Store." The shop fronts display period-appropriate details such as wooden barrels labeled "Apples" and "Flour" and items like brooms and a tailor’s dummy visible through shop windows. Adjacent to the street, a row of vintage railroad cars provides a backdrop, enhancing the immersive feel of the setting. Overhead, the industrial ceiling with its metal beams and ductwork contrasts with the quaintness of the street below, creating a dynamic and engaging historical experience.

Complete with a recreated station, freight office, and thriving local businesses, this exhibit emphasizes the vital role railroads played in local economies and social structures.

The image shows a detailed diorama of the Ennis Hotel and Bar at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County. Viewed through a large window, the scene features two life-size figures: one man standing behind a wooden bar, seemingly greeting another man who approaches the bar. The interior is richly decorated with period-appropriate furnishings, including wooden chairs, a barrel, and vintage photographs on the walls, all under warm lighting that enhances the cozy, historical ambiance. The exterior of the window prominently displays the "Ennis Hotel & Bar" signage, adding to the authenticity of this recreated late 19th-century tavern scene.

The outdoor train yard is another highlight, offering a chance to wander among historical giants of rail transport.

The image displays an informative sign titled "Welcome to the Train Yard" at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County. The sign features a brief description explaining the purpose and function of a train yard, mentioning that it is where freight cars are sorted or "classified" into trains for delivery. It also notes that train yards have facilities for locomotive repairs, fueling, and storage. To the right of the text is a detailed schematic map of a train yard layout, showing various tracks and their designated uses, enhancing visitor understanding of how a train yard operates. The sign is mounted on a stand in a grassy area, making it easily accessible for museum visitors.

Featuring a variety of steam, diesel, and electric trains, each locomotive in the yard tells a unique story of its era.

The image captures a vintage Pennsylvania Railroad steam locomotive, numbered 3750, displayed in an outdoor setting at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County. This heavily weathered locomotive exhibits the rugged charm and intricate engineering of early 20th-century steam trains, with visible rust and decay highlighting its long history and the harsh conditions it has endured. The locomotive's powerful structure, with large driving wheels and complex piping, stands on tracks against a clear blue sky, flanked by other railcars and backed by a large museum storage facility. This scene presents a vivid slice of railroad history, showcasing the durability and design of these historic machines.

More than just a viewing experience, the yard invites visitors to engage physically with the locomotives, appreciating their massive scale and technological marvels.

The image features a striking view of a partially restored vintage steam locomotive at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County. Displayed outdoors on a clear day, the locomotive, with its complex array of pipes, rods, and wheels, is shown in exquisite detail, illustrating the intricate mechanics of early 20th-century steam engines. The robust, dark metal body of the train contrasts sharply against the bright blue sky. Behind the main locomotive, additional railcars and a red caboose add depth and context to the historical railway exhibit, showcased on well-maintained tracks surrounded by lush green grass. This scene captures the preservation efforts and the historical importance of these rail vehicles in an open-air display.

Inside, the restoration shop captivates those interested in the art of train preservation.

The image features a vibrant poster from the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County, promoting tours of the Restoration Shop. The poster is framed and displayed against a bright red wall. It depicts a stylized hand holding a wrench, symbolizing hands-on restoration work. The bold graphic design uses shades of red, blue, and orange with the text "Tour The Restoration Shop" prominently displayed. Additional text invites visitors to inquire at the admissions desk about tour times and prices, making it both an informative and visually appealing guide for museum visitors interested in learning about railroad restoration processes.

Here, specialists (many volunteers) work diligently to return aged trains to their original splendor, showcasing skills in mechanical repairs, woodworking, and metalworking.

The image depicts an antique steam locomotive undergoing restoration in the workshop of the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County. This partially disassembled locomotive is shown with exposed components, highlighting the intricate and rugged engineering of early 20th-century steam technology. The scene includes a variety of tools and machinery used in the restoration process, such as a large overhead crane, showcasing the ongoing efforts to preserve and maintain historical railroad equipment. The workshop environment is illuminated by bright industrial lighting, which casts a vivid glow on the locomotive's metallic surface, emphasizing the texture and historic significance of this impressive machinery.

Upstairs, the model railroad exhibit enchants with its intricate landscapes and meticulously crafted model trains, demonstrating the operations of railroads on a smaller scale.

The image displays an elaborate model train layout at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County. This detailed diorama includes multiple train tracks weaving through a realistically modeled landscape that features small-scale buildings, homes, and dense, forested areas. The scene captures various aspects of a rural town, complete with a train station, commercial structures, and residential homes, all intricately detailed. Educational posters on the wall behind the display provide context and information about the exhibit. This model provides a captivating visual representation of railway operations and the environment they traverse, designed to educate and fascinate museum visitors of all ages.

Also on this floor, an extensive collection of Pennsylvania Railroad Museum memorabilia enriches the visitor’s understanding of the railroad’s cultural and historical impacts through a variety of artifacts and archival materials.

The image showcases a display of railroad memorabilia at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County. Featured prominently in the foreground is a detailed scale model of a classic steam locomotive, labeled "Pennsylvania," accompanied by various train cars. Above this model, the wall is adorned with two large, framed portraits of distinguished gentlemen, possibly historical figures associated with the Pennsylvania Railroad. These portraits are set in ornate gold frames, adding a touch of formality and historical significance to the exhibit. The display is arranged on a wooden surface against a white wall, creating a dignified and educational exhibit that highlights the rich history of railroading in Pennsylvania.

Finally, the gift shop offers a selection of railroad-themed merchandise, from detailed model trains and historical literature to themed apparel and unique gifts, perfect for commemorating the visit or treating a rail enthusiast.

The image showcases a well-stocked bookshelf in the gift shop at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County. The shelves are filled with a wide variety of railroad-related books, covering topics from historic diesel engines and electrified rail lines to specific rail companies like Conrail and the Pennsylvania Railroad. The books are neatly arranged and visibly labeled, catering to enthusiasts and historians alike. The setting is bright and inviting, with natural light enhancing the colorful book covers, making it an appealing spot for visitors to browse and learn more about railroad history.

Final Thoughts

The Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania stands as a treasure trove of history and a testament to the enduring influence of railroads in both the commonwealth and in America.

The image captures a stunning display of a classic steam locomotive, numbered 7002, at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County. This beautifully preserved locomotive features a polished black and silver exterior, intricate detailing, and is adorned with two American flags on its front. The locomotive, representative of early 20th-century engineering, is displayed on tracks within the museum's large, airy exhibit hall with a green steel girder ceiling overhead. This iconic piece of railroad history is complemented by a variety of other historical railcars aligned behind it, showcasing the rich heritage of American railroading in a meticulously maintained setting.

With its extensive exhibits and educational displays, it provides a thorough and engaging experience for railfans and history buffs visiting Lancaster County.

The image captures a vivid blue Conrail locomotive prominently displayed at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg, Lancaster County. The locomotive, numbered 2233, is showcased in a large, well-lit exhibit hall alongside a variety of other historic railcars, including a Pennsylvania Railroad passenger car. The scene is set under a high industrial ceiling with skylights, enhancing the natural light that floods the space. The museum’s spacious interior and the meticulous arrangement of the locomotives and railcars highlight the historical significance and engineering marvels of the railroad industry.

Nearby Attractions

The Strasburg Railroad (located directly across the road) offers scenic sightseeing excursion trains pulled by majestic steam locomotives.

A collage of 5 photos showing scenes from the Strasburg Railroad in Lancaster County, PA.

The Red Caboose Motel near Strasburg features over 40 vintage cabooses and train cars that have been repurposed into retro motel rooms.

A collage of four photos taken at the Red Caboose Motel in Lancaster County, PA. The top left image shows a red caboose labeled "Southern" with a red SUV parked in front of it. The top right image features two rows of colorful cabooses, including blue, yellow, and red ones, lined up on either side of a driveway. The bottom left image depicts the interior of a cozy motel room with a bed, table, and chair. The bottom right image showcases a sign for the Red Caboose Motel with a yellow caboose in the background. The Red Caboose Motel includes over 40 cabooses and train cars converted into retro motel rooms.
Scenes from the Red Caboose Motel.

The Choo Choo Barn in Strasburg is a 1,700-square-foot train display featuring 22 operating trains and over 150 hand-built animated figures, making it one of the largest model railroad layouts in Pennsylvania!

A collage of four photos taken at the Choo Choo Barn in Lancaster County, PA. The top left image shows a wide-angle view of the extensive model train display featuring a circus tent, carousel, and various detailed miniature scenes. The top right image captures the display at night with the lights dimmed, creating a magical ambiance with illuminated buildings and train tracks. The bottom left image depicts a snowy mountain landscape with a moving gondola lift, detailed buildings, and vehicles on a winding road. The bottom right image shows the exterior of the Choo Choo Barn building, complete with a colorful children's train display and picnic tables, set against a scenic countryside backdrop.
Scenes from the Choo Choo Barn in Strasburg.

Cackleberry Farm Antique Mall, spanning an impressive 26,000 square feet, boasts one of the finest selections of antiques and collectibles in the Lancaster County region.

A collage of four photos taken at the Cackleberry Farm Antique Mall in Lancaster County, PA. The first photo shows the large, red roadside sign for the antique mall under a bright blue sky. The second photo features a collection of vintage blow mold holiday decorations, including pilgrims, a turkey, reindeer, and other festive characters. The third photo highlights vintage Star Wars glassware with detailed illustrations of characters from "The Empire Strikes Back." The fourth photo captures a brightly lit aisle filled with display cases showcasing various collectibles, including vintage toys and memorabilia, in an organized layout.
Scenes from Cackleberry Farm Antique Mall.

Steamtown National Historic Site in Scranton is both a museum and an active railyard, dedicated to preserving and sharing the rich heritage of steam-powered locomotives in America.

A four-image collage from Steamtown National Historic Site in Scranton, PA. Upper left shows a vintage steam engine number 26 inside a roundhouse with steam rising. Upper right features two locomotives, including engine 790, displayed on a turntable with a modern building in the background. Lower left is the Union Pacific 'Big Boy' steam engine number 4012, a large black locomotive parked outside. Lower right is the National Park Service round emblem displayed at the historic site.

The Altoona Railroaders Memorial Museum in Blair County celebrates the lives of both railroad workers and railroading communities in central Pennsylvania.

Exterior of the Altoona Railroaders Memorial Museum in Blair County Pennsylvania.

Unlike many “train museums” that focus primarily on engines and cars, the Railroaders Memorial Museum focuses primarily on the men and women who kept the engines running and the cars rolling.

Exhibit showing some of the various jobs performed by employees of the Pennsylvania Railroad at the Altoona Railroaders Memorial Museum.
Exhibit showing some of the various jobs performed by employees of the Pennsylvania Railroad.

The Allegheny Portage Railroad near Altoona is one of the most historic railroading sites in Pennsylvania!

Looking up Incline Number 6 towards Engine House Number 6 at the Allegheny Portage Railroad National Historic Site near Altoona Pennsylvania.
Looking up Incline Number 6 towards Engine House Number 6.

This 36 mile-long track was the first railroad built across the Allegheny Mountains, allowing for canals on the eastern and western sides of the state to be connected, cutting the travel time from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia from weeks to just days.

Drawing of how Engine House Number 6 looked during the time the Allegheny Portage Railroad was in operation.
Drawing of how Engine House Number 6 looked during the time the Allegheny Portage Railroad was in operation (public domain image).

Considered one of the “engineering wonders of the world” at the time of its completion in 1854, the Horseshoe Curve near Altoona continues to offer railfans an up-close opportunity to experience the thrill of trains passing by along this 2,375 foot-long curved stretch of tracks.

A young railfan waves to a passin Norfolk Southern engineer at the Horseshoe Curve.
A young railfan waves to a passin Norfolk Southern engineer at the Horseshoe Curve.

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Rusty Glessner
Rusty Glessner is a professional photographer, lifelong Pennsylvanian, and a frequently-cited authority on PA's best travel destinations.