If you’re looking for directions to Hawk Point Overlook in Lancaster County, you’re in the right place!

Located with the boundaries of Susquehannock State Park, Hawk Point offers visitors panoramic views of the lower Susquehanna River and the surrounding area.

Directions to Hawk Point Overlook
Hawk Point Overlook is located at 1919 River Rd, Holtwood, PA 17532, if navigating by address.
The parking area for the short walk to Hawk Point is located at 39.80344, -76.28854, if navigating by GPS coordinates.

The trail leading to the overlook is a crushed stone pathway roughly 250 yards long.

Views from Hawk Point
The view to the north from Hawk Point is of the Norman Wood Bridge, which carries Route 372 over the Susquehanna River.

If you want an even better view of the bridge, you can plug a quarter into the coin-op binoculars on the north side of the overlook.

The view to the south is in the direction of Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station

Peach Bottom reactors 2 and 3 went on-line in 1974, and are still in operation today.

Directly across the river from the power station, you can see Mount Johnson Island, the world’s first bald eagle sanctuary.

Hawk Point Overlook has been designated at Important Bird Area by the Audubon Society.

According to the Audubon Society’s website, these areas include “migratory staging areas, winter roost sites, and prime breeding areas for songbirds, wading birds, and other species”.

A picnic pavilion and restrooms are located adjacent to the parking area at the overlook.

Hawk Point Overlook is a beautiful and easily accessible spot on the eastern shore of the Susquehanna River, and makes for an enjoyable day trip destination in Lancaster County!

Nearby Attractions
Chickies Rock is one of the most popular scenic overlooks along the eastern side of the Susquehanna River, a towering rock outcropping more than 100 feet above the river.

The Pinnacle Overlook, often referred to simply as “The Pinnacle”, is located just north of the Holtwood Dam in Lancaster County, on the eastern shore of the Susquehanna River.

Schull’s Rock Overlook is a fantastic rock outcropping and vista on the west bank of the Susquehanna River, located in one of PA’s newest state parks!

If scenic overlooks are your cup of tea, be sure to check out my Scenic Overlooks page with directions to more than 100 great scenic overlooks in Pennsylvania!

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